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What you get

New insights


You will learn how to transform traditional media localization services with the help of machine translation, and Plain X, a 4-in-1 video localization tool!


Media Localization Masterclass

Book a ticket!

December 15 - 14:00 WET/UTC Time

You can always watch the event on replay.

1° - 14:00 - 14:15

2° - 14:15 - 14:45

3° - 14:45 - 15:00

4° - 15:00 - 15:25

5° - 15:25 - 15:40

6° - 15:40 - 16:00

7° - 16:00 - 16:10

8° - 16:10 - 16:40

Opening Session

Plain X Demo


Plain X and Deutsche Welle Case Study

Commentary on AI wave in Media

Panel Discussion and Closing Session

Coffee Break

Networking Session


Who should attend?


This event was created for localization services companies, CEOs, and heads of production of LSPs, LSCs, MLVs and freelancers who are committed to creating a stronger future for their company. 


For you





Learn how to empower your teams

Become part of the new generation of tech language solutions companies

Gain insights on the future of Media Localization in the language industry

Drive the discussions shaping the future of the language industry

For your company




Learn and share knowledge which will be transforming to your organization

Discover how to localize any video with just one tool

Develop your company’s digital transformation

Why is Media and Video Localization so important?

Video is the most widely used form of communication in content strategy, followed by blogs and infographics.

Source: HubSpot Study, Global Survey, Nov - Dec 2019
your branding video

Video on landing pages is capable of increasing conversion rates by over 80%, and the mere mention of the word “video” in your email subject line increases open rates by 19%. 90% of customers also say videos help them make buying decisions.

Source: HubSpot Content Trends Survey, Q3 2017
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